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Loading, draws and stubborn horses

THE new starting stall loading procedures require all horses to be loaded by their draw numbers, writes leading trainer LOUIS GOOSEN.

So, any horse that will not stand in the stalls or suchlike is in trouble.That horse will be loaded in terms of its draw, and could often be the first horse to be loaded when it is drawn in the Number One gate. So anything can happen while the horse awaits the rest of the field to be loaded. It can rear up or just play up nervously and cause headaches for everyone.

We worked with problem horses ourselves for many years, but now we use Malan du Toit. He deals with horses like these, the stubborn ones who experience problems loading or refuse to enter the stalls. He gets incredible results and we recommend him to anyone who has a problem horse.

The video submitted (above), shows one of our unraced two-year-old fillies, she is very hot and both work track and stalls, but after two sessions with Malan she has no problems at the pens, goes in smoothly.


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